Foxtrot is the best Data Automation Software on the Market
April 02, 2019

Foxtrot is the best Data Automation Software on the Market

Lori Grimmer | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Foxtrot

My bank uses Foxtrot in multiple departments. I use Foxtrot to make changes within Fiserv's Navigator, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Access Manager, and Director to name a few. I also use Foxtrot in different web-based programs. I have also used it within Laser Pro and a program called AccuAccount. I use three of four licenses, and the fourth license is being used by our service department to run daily scripts for returned mail that I built. The possibilities are endless. And I constantly hear people say...I didn't know Foxtrot could do that.


  • Being your electronic employee...cost savings.
  • Foxtrot does not get task blind. It just continues to work and doesn't get tired of doing the same thing over and over.
  • The variety of building scripts. No two people will build a script the same way.
  • Foxtrot support is fantastic to deal with. If you get stuck on building a script where something doesn't work they always have a way around the issue.
  • Foxtrot runs in the background and can run while you complete your daily tasks.


  • Foxtrot reacts differently within each page of Navigator. On some pages, I have noticed misspellings of words. This functionality has improved, but we aren't quite there for 100% accuracy.
  • For what my bank uses Foxtrot for there really hasn't been an issue with functionality, as support can always work around any issues.
  • Foxtrot needs a stand-alone machine or virtual machine to work, as it is using your machine and keyboard as a human would. This isn't necessarily a downfall, but can be costly when you think of having a machine for each license or bot.
  • I use Foxtrot daily. Most times three machines are going. If you calculate the cost of three licenses annually to what three employees would cost, the cost savings is immense.
  • Using Foxtrot to charge fees. When you use Foxtrot to access fees on accounts this is a savings in itself too. Not only are you able to get fee income, but you can add that on top of the employment savings.
  • Foxtrot does not get task blind like a human would. Humans, when they get task blind, tend to make mistakes. Foxtrot has a lower error rate than a human.
Fiserv has a program to do mass changes. However, this product does not support all features within the Navigator platform. Plus that mapping program would only work within Navigator. We can use Foxtrot in multiple applications and websites. Plus comparing the cost of Foxtrot versus the mapping program annually made Foxtrot the right choice.
I use Foxtrot for maintenance purposes. It is very well suited for this type of activity. To have someone change a responsibility code on 1000 accounts is monotonous and time-consuming. Foxtrot just runs in the background while you continue your daily tasks.
Less suited is if maintenance on several thousand accounts is required in one day. There needs to be planning involved to make sure that scripts are run through and validations are done by a specific date.

Using Foxtrot

4 - I am the main user of Foxtrot, but I do have three users in our Service Center that use Foxtrot for Returned Mail. I use Foxtrot in all areas within the bank.
2 - Once Foxtrot is installed on a PC or virtual machine there isn't much for the IT support to do.
  • Functionality
  • Cost Savings
  • Mass change ability
  • Daily returned mail
  • Fee charges on gift cards
  • Block creations to charge fees to customer accounts
  • GL creations, deletions and transfer history
  • We are always looking to see what Foxtrot can do next. Every time a problem presents itself people are thinking-- Can Foxtrot do this?
  • To get out in front of users of other programs would be helpful, as we may be able to create a script for them so that they can work on more important business initiatives.
Foxtrot is the best data automation software on the market. Especially for the price and cost savings. I have been able to do so much data integrity clean up over the years to keep our system clean.


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