Changing the way Customer Success operates
December 08, 2015

Changing the way Customer Success operates

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Gainsight

We purchased Gainsight to help us better monitor account health, to provide guidance to our enterprise account management team on when to reach out to customers, and to send automated emails based on usage and health to our base of more than 25,000 small business customers. These emails are targeted based on individual account usage, and are designed to help customers identify and adopt new features within the system. We're also using Gainsight to send and record NPS surveys.

The product is mainly used by our enterprise account management, and customer success teams.
  • NPS surveys: Previously we were using the Salesforce survey tool, and had to manually send out the email each month through Marketo, then create separate Salesforce reports for feedback. With Gainsight, we're able to set an automated email to send to customers at the right time, and collect a rolling score that is easy to report out to the team.
  • Customer Success Strategy: As the leader in this industry, Gainsight has done a great job of educating customers and non-customers alike on best practices for CS teams.
  • Copilot: We recently sent out our first copilot email in an attempt to increase adoption of one of our newest features. We had an amazing response, and we're looking forward to setting up more emails that will automatically send to customers based on their individual usage of our product.
  • CTAs for Enterprise: Our account management team is able to receive alerts when customers need some help from us to stay healthy. The team is loving how easy it is to get alerts, and our customers love that we're so much more attentive to their usage and needs.
  • Duplicate email addresses: This is largely due to our data issues - we have multiple contacts across accounts with the same email address. This results in some accounts receiving duplicate emails for each account their associated with. Although we have only been with Gainsight for a few months, they've done a great job with taking our feedback and finding workarounds. For this particular issue, they've already built a fix in their system, and we're just waiting for it to be released in December.
  • Our first copilot email convinced 37% of customers who clicked to turn on a key feature in the product that they were previously not using.
Gainsight does a great job helping with implementation, but a lot of how fast you can implement is dependent on your own systems. Before committing to a timeline, I recommend looking deeply into Google Analytics and MixPanel to make sure you're set up to be able to quickly connect to Gainsight. It is also extremely important to have your Salesforce administrator on board with the project and available during Success Express and initial implementation calls.

Gainsight CS Feature Ratings

Product usage
Help desk / support tickets
NPS surveys
Sponsor tracking
Customer profiles
Automated workflow
Internal collaboration
Not Rated
Customer health scoring
Customer segmentation
Customer health trends
Not Rated
Engagement analytics
Revenue forecasting
Not Rated
Not Rated
Role-based user permissions
Not Rated
Not Rated
Integration with
Integration with Marketo
Not Rated
Integration with Eloqua
Not Rated