Lifesize - can it replace other conferencing solutions I use now?
February 03, 2017

Lifesize - can it replace other conferencing solutions I use now?

Lee Childers | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 6 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Lifesize Video Conferencing

We had a very, very hard time with implementation. We had multiple cameras in one location and that was difficult to get items configured properly. Lifesize was of no value on this and insisted I just keep reading a PDF. This was a larger issue than just referencing a PDF could handle. I had to pull in other sources to assist and after spending the amount of money I did for a product, to just be shipped a bunch of hardware and pretty much a good luck on plugging it in, that was not a good look for Lifesize. if you have one camera to plug in, that product is fine. But start mixing larger rooms with different sound requirements and multiple cameras in the mix, Lifesize needs to do a better job in supporting those customers through initial install and setup. Very poor job here. And remote support was offered but people cannot understand the environments at times without standing in the room first hand. Im not saying Lifesize should fly everyone all over the place but sometimes expectations should be had especially when the level of issues reach what they did with us. We are still not at 100%. Lifesize still has some clean up to do to get their name back to where I think it should be when they promised us everything during the sales process.
Lifesize was purchased initially for our residency program. We have 3 cameras at the main training center and 2 other locations with a single camera and TV kit. We are also trying to replace WebEx with the Lifesize platform for more of our endusers. However lots of challenge there. Really does not do a good job compared to WebEx unfortunately. The problems it addresses are great connectivity between Lifesize cameras and equipment. Captures the room and intensity well...but again Lifesize camera to Lifesize camera (not utilizing laptop cameras).


  • If you are looking to truly use the Lifesize infrastructure, Lifesize camera to Lifesize camera, works very well.
  • Easy setup if you have just one camera to plug in. Super quick setup.
  • Support is quick to answer the phone when called.


  • If you are looking for something to replace WebEx or other platforms, this is not the tool. It's not to the level of WebEx as far as features go.
  • Lifesize needs to better support the MAC hardware.
  • When operating with more than 1 Lifesize camera and getting all of those in-sync, it gets complicated quickly.
  • Provide onsite support for environments that involve multiple cameras and not just hand over a PDF to the end user that just spent 10's of thousands of dollars on the product.
If utilizing 1 Lifesize camera to another, great. Lifesize works great for just straight video conferencing. You start mixing end user devices and trying to do what applications like WebEx do, Lifesize isn't there yet. It needs to get better at being more of a general platform for video conferencing IF they intend for it to have the same capabilities as WebEx.

Lifesize Video Conferencing Feature Ratings

High quality audio
High quality video
Low bandwidth requirements
Desktop sharing
Calendar integration
Meeting initiation
Record meetings / events
Live chat
Participant roles & permissions

Using Lifesize Video Conferencing

You certainly need someone to operate the amount of cameras we have. Lots of end users have tried to replace WebEx as well but just doesn't hold up to the feature and functionality.
Like to use
Easy to use
Requires technical support
Lots to learn
  • Lifesize camera to Lifesize camera, great.
  • End user to end user it is very unstable.


  • Amy Downs | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Hi Lee, Thank you very much for sharing your feedback and my apologies that you are experiencing issues with the clients. I'm going to reach out via a direct email to you to see if we can schedule some time with you onsite to track down the issues and get them knocked out for you. Talk soon, Amy

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