Lucidchart is Awesome!
October 30, 2021

Lucidchart is Awesome!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Lucidchart

I've used Lucidchart since my college days, (about 4 years ago), and I was able to pick it up pretty easily without any formal training! Fast forward to today, there are a lot more things that I would like to apply and I'm able to google things pretty easily (such as integrations) or look for specific objects.
As an analyst, I love using Lucidchart to help document various departments' current state workflow. It helps me identify where process gaps are and analyze further to create a future state workflow. Not only that, you can take notes and link to various pages within the workflow! This helps my company understand exactly what the exists are and what processes they should change.


  • Lucidchart is intuitive and easy to use
  • Has Salesforce integration
  • Easy to share documents with others!


  • Not sure at the moment. Love it so far!
  • Improved productivity
Salesforce is the biggest one, but I would love to see you be able to integrate how Salesforce can look on Lucidchart. For example, I want to mock up how Salesforce Layout should look like for my company.
I have not used this feature.

Do you think Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite's feature set?


Did Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite again?


If you're looking to map out workflows for different departments, create swim lanes, or just take notes, Lucidchart is a great collaborative tool to use for your company. You can also build out your company's org chart using Lucidchart! However, if you're looking for UX design or features, Figma or Sketch might be the better alternative.


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