NetLearning in a hospital setting
July 25, 2014

NetLearning in a hospital setting

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Overall Satisfaction with HealthcareSource NetLearning

NetLearning is being used by our organization to onboard new employees and ensure that they have the correct new employee orientation. It is also used for certifications, such as BLS and ACLS, where the employees can complete the online didactic portion as well as sign up for the in person class. We also track any training for the hospital as well as CEU credits for nurses. Since they need their hours tracked to maintain their hours, this is very beneficial to our nursing staff.


  • When submitting tickets for NetLearning, the helpdesk is quick to respond to requests.
  • When helping you with a NetLearning issue, the helpdesk will call and walk you through what was incorrect, so that you know how to fix it in the future.


  • The NetLearning University Anytime Links are not accurate. So, after trying to fix an issue myself, I had wasted a large portion of time trying to follow directions and complete myself.
  • The training times are in a different time zone and most of them are before I start work for the day.
  • NetLearning has increased our nursing CEU credits with the most efficiency. Now nurses can take courses on NetLearning and have it track their hours.
  • On a compliance standpoint, NetLearning has benefited us when we are being audited and we have to show what trainings or classes an employee has made. Also, to make sure that their certifications are up to date.
I have used HealthStream to manage classes for another hospital, but find that NetLearning has many more options and ability to go above and beyond with educating our employees.
I believe NetLearning is a beneficial source, especially in a hospital setting where there are a large amount of trainings, certifications, or classes that need to be tracked. There is still a lot more I can learn within NetLearning, but the potential of what else can be done is great to look forward to.

Using HealthcareSource NetLearning

We will continue using NetLearning because it does what we need it to do from a compliance and educational standpoint.


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