OneLogin Review
May 31, 2019

OneLogin Review

Matthew Russell | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 6 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with OneLogin

OneLogin is used to provide SSO to our end users: Employees, students, parents.


  • OneLogin enables us to create quick launch URL's for GSuite hosted services like Google Forms so that parents are required to enter their school username and password to open and complete the form, not their personal Gmail accounts.
  • OneLogin provides the ability for our support teams to "Assume Users" with compulsory documenting why the assuming has taken place. This results in a complete audit history for compliance.


  • The service is rather slow for us located in Australia.
  • Some features are a bit clunky or missing entirely.
  • Difficult to justify the cost.
  • It was a quick implementation. OneLogin's support staff were able to assist with setup.
  • OneLogin's support is now available in our timezone so this has improved support turnaround times.
  • Product development relative to our industry/use-case is slow. It seems that the company is focusing on developing features to attract new customers, not keep current customers happy.

All have pro's and con's.
It is fitted to its purpose. We may change at some point in the future, but for now, it adequately meets our needs as we have more pressing matters to attend to.

OneLogin by One Identity Feature Ratings

ID-Management Access Control
ID Management Single-Sign On (SSO)
Multi-Factor Authentication
Password Management
Account Provisioning and De-provisioning
Not Rated
ID Management Workflow Automation
ID Risk Management


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