Do you have a moment to answer some questions? With Qualtrics that's all it takes: Moments.
May 01, 2015

Do you have a moment to answer some questions? With Qualtrics that's all it takes: Moments.

D. SKye Hodges | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Research Suite

Overall Satisfaction with Qualtrics

We are currently using Qualtrics to receive customer satisfaction results from their interactions with our product support engineers. We also use Qualtrics on our knowledgebase articles on the web to receive feedback on technical information documents that customers would like to provide feedback on (like if it solved their issue, or if it should have more details, etc). It is being used across our organization in various business units, though it is primarily used in our services division(s).


  • Custom survey creation
  • Very intuitive and easy to use interface
  • Advanced configuration features for those versed in HTML/CSS/Java
  • But simple enough that ANYONE can use it to create, modify, update, and report on various things


  • An easier to use mobile interface for survey CREATION (their mobile interface for taking a survey is amazing!)
  • Make moving surveys from one owner/group to another owner/group more intuitive or easier to find
  • Provide access to the API to a broader audience (or at a lower price-point)
  • Faster survey to result report generation
  • Quicker turn around for customer complaints
  • Much easier to make survey changes
  • Satmetrix,Allegiance
In all the other products that we have used, the vendor seemed to nickle-and-dime us for EVERY change, sometimes just changing a punctuation mark would generate a bill, with Qualtrics, everything was included, their licensing model is so straightforward, you pretty much pay for what you think you will use, and if you are going to use more, you can expand that before you "run out". Qualtrics has the easiest to use interface, the best model for survey translations, and the API integration that allowed us to write our own software to integrate the survey sending and result retrieval into our own data-systems.

We have gone through various survey provider vendors, and here are some of the issues we've run into:

  • Free surveys don't have enough customizations (and aren't professional for our enterprise usage)

  • Other vendors would charge for: survey creation, survey translation, survey changes, survey results (ie reporting), customizing the reporting, providing access to the reporting, changes in the data fields, transmission of survey results over http/ftp/email, user management changes
Qualtrics has a better pricing model and lets you handle all of the above issues internally, or by engaging their professional services.

Qualtrics Support

Whenever we have had an issue with trying to figure out how to do something (even though the documentation is incredibly well put together) we have asked Qualtrics support and have always received our answer nearly immediately (I think in maybe 10 times, only once did a support person need to call us back). Qualtrics support is dedicated to solving customer issues right, and in the first contact, if at all possible.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - We have reported a few bugs to Qualtrics, they were just minor oversights, and easy enough to fix, in fact one was fixed within hours, it was just a small adjustment on their web-interface. We have found Qualtrics to always be extremely responsive to our issues whether bugs, or just requests for information.
Because our company and Qualtrics headquarters are in the same city, they had a handful of us Qualtrics users go visit them at their campus. And "WOW" doesn't even begin to describe it, they treated us no better than their employees, which, for those that don't know, they treat their employees like GOLD! 100 flavor softdrink machine, breakfast foods, lunch foods, desserts and candy, they have it ALL, and that is why Qualtrics employees are the happiest people I've met (because free food and drinks make everyone happy!) We loved meeting the people that we had worked with before on previous support issues, and they were just as nice in person as they were over the phone or in email. Qualtrics will go above and beyond to achieve their customers satisfaction, and they set a great example for their customers who are also trying to emulate them with their own customers.

Using Qualtrics

Qualtrics Survey creation couldn't possibly be easier, unless you wanted to type up a survey and scan it in, that might be easier, but it would take less time to create it in Qualtrics in the first place, it really is that easy. And as far as customizing goes, you can add so much customization basically you are only limited by the limits of HTML/CSS/Javascript basically, there are no limits as to what you can do!
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Survey Creation
  • Survey Customization
  • Report Creation
  • Report Customization
  • Survey Preview (for desktop AND mobile!)
  • Moving survey ownership between users/groups
  • Moving report ownership
  • Interactive single-click web-reporting
Yes - For report creation, the mobile interface works well enough (in a pinch), but it is FAR easier to use the web interface on a desktop. As for Survey TAKING, YES, the Qualtrics mobile interface is truly stunning! They have a survey Preview tool that lets you see what it will look like on a Mobile, and you can also click a button to show a QR code to scan in on a mobile device to VERY quickly see what it will look like.


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