Relativity Can Be A Long Lost Relative - Valuable When Found/United
March 04, 2022

Relativity Can Be A Long Lost Relative - Valuable When Found/United

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Relativity

I use Relativity as an online document management system. It's used to store document collections, review documents for privilege and responsiveness, redact and produce documents and native files. Also used for document searches and review for preparations for upcoming depositions. Create and download collections of documents and native files for review and use as deposition exhibits.


  • Searching for documents and native files with various terms and approaches.
  • Tagging documents and native files for further review.
  • Creating and downloading collections of documents and native files for depositions.


  • More access to modifying homepage and search results view.
  • More control over adding and deleting features.
  • Ease of access.
  • Useful searching and review functions.
  • Downloading collections of documents and native files.
  • Saves time spent searching for documents and native files.
  • Easy to download materials when needed.
  • Can share collections of materials across team members in other offices.

Do you think Relativity delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with Relativity's feature set?


Did Relativity live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Relativity go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy Relativity again?


For the most part, Relativity is fairly easy to learn and use on a daily basis. Like most programs and platforms, you can learn to streamline usage, features, and results/downloads with more users over time. Just be careful how with multiple users in a document database, you have to make sure everyone knows NOT to make any edits or changes to tags and collections that others have set up.


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