Alert Logic delivers managed detection and response (MDR) with comprehensive coverage for public clouds, SaaS, on-premises, and hybrid environments. Alert Logic is a HelpSystems brand since the 2022 acquisition announced in March.
Tenable Vulnerability Management
Score 9.3 out of 10
Vulnerability management specialist Tenable offers their cloud application and container security platform Tenable Web App Scanning (formerly, a vulnerability management tool that emphasizes visibility of web applications, automatic scanning, and a unified view of cloud infrastructure and possible inconsistencies indicating a vulnerability.
This is pretty good AV product - lightweight, easy to install, and easy on system resources. It will take some getting used to on the end user side, it doesn't scan in a traditional way, and it does not have a taskbar icon so it hard to know if it's working or installed. My only complaint would be the false positives which I know every AV system has, but the problem with Barkly is that it alerts the users with a message (which they freak out about) and it alerts IT with an email. Again, not a major issue, but it can be annoying until it is overridden. The override process is super easy though, so its again, not a big deal.
I've been using this product since it began as an open source product, I really like it and for the money, I think it's probably the best choice for most companies who need a product like this. Over the years I've seen the interface change quite a bit and sometimes I think it's a bit unclear how to do certain things and the different packages can be confusing, these are the only reasons I'm giving it a 9 instead of a 10.
Customer Service. Usually, I'd put the technical details up front, and they're good with that too. But the service from pre-sales all the way through onboarding and continued account management is top tier. Our onboarding schedule got messed up, partly because of us, but that was rather minor. I always get prompt replies to any tickets, and they've even reached out to discuss my feature requests. When it comes to security, it's critical to have a responsive team, and they've got it.
Detection seems good. It's hard to quantify exactly, but it seems that they always detect the bad actors. And when we get an alert, they include a bunch of details so we know what kind of scan they're trying to do, how far they got, etc. You can't prevent everyone from doing a scan on your IP, but it gives you a really good idea of where your soft spots might be. And if you're getting those low-level alerts, it's a reminder that it's there and working if you have a major event too.
Very easy setup. This goes back to their customer support to some extent, as they walk you through all the steps required. But it's also about their technical solution, it's not so overly complex that it's fragile, nor does it take a great deal of time to deploy. And it's been zero effort to maintain since then.
Expensive - You do pay a slight premium for the best product in the space.
Asset management is difficult to work with if you have a lot of asset turnover, the license can be ''held'' for 3-6 months after the asset is gone from your environment.
Support is usually really great at walking you through any steps you need to take when you get stuck on something. There are a few false positives and errors that have come up over the years that required their help to get through. Unfortunately, the steps required to diagnose some problems are more tedious than I think should be necessary. (IE: SQL instances can throw errors that clog up your logs because one plugin affects it in a certain way. The process to diagnose this is to watch timestamps of plugins in a log while monitoring the SQL logs at the same time and using your best guess as to what is causing it.)
I was using Alert Logic Insight for myself to improve my skills and ability to it. My organization was not happy using our previous website security program so I recommended for them to use this software. It has been more than 1 year and still, they are using this program without having any problem so far. has a comparable set of features, with excellent support and a competitive price. After less than desirable experiences with another company, we moved to Tenable and haven't looked back since.
Since this is a requirement for our PCI compliance and the cost is relatively low, the ROI isn't really something we need to think too much about, Tenable's pricing is fair and affordable.