Amberscript, headquartered in Amsterdam, helps users transform audio and video to text and subtitles through the use of its AI-driven on-demand software service.
Prepaid: 1 hour of audio or video uploaded
Score 9.0 out of 10
Sembly (formerly Powow) is a SaaS platform from the company of the same name in New York City, that helps to make meetings more effective by using proprietary AI algorithms to transcribe and analyze meetings, transforming them into actionable insights.
Amberscript is great for transcribing individual audio (or video) files that reside on your computer. The ability to view and edit the text of the text file (to correct or remove data that you don't want to be shared) before the output is a great option. I feel it may be limited in the ability to transcribe live audio records such as phone calls or meetings, where we would find it very useful to have immediate access to a transcript (for coaching or sharing purposes). I feel the needs are more designed as a solution for pre-existing audio/video files versus working in real-time.
Powow is well suited for meetings, multi-meetings, and having everyone in the team involved. It simplifies the process of decision-making and any process within our business that needs multiple people working at the same time. It allows people to focus on the meeting instead of taking notes as Powow uses audio transcription to create summaries about everything said. It also allows getting relevant insights and analytics that are really helpful for the business. In my own case, being a fashion and design store requires hand on meetings and work that can't be done thru the internet. Also, for very important meetings or information, you can't really rely on the transcripts as they are not perfect. Even though Powow is relatively new, it has mainly positive aspects.
I feel that Amazon Transcribe was much more feature-rich, allowing for a much more real-time solution, whereas Amberscript is great for transcribing existing call recordings (or video files) to a rich text file. Amazon Transcribe will do both, while Amberscript only does the latter. For our business, this was a significant feature loss for Amberscript.
Even though all of the mentioned platforms are helpful for meetings and teamwork, Powow is so much better. First, it allows multi-meetings, facilitating the job of the managers and heads of every team to be involved in all the work done. Also, it has audio transcripts that avoid the need for note-taking, making people pay full attention to the meeting. Provides as well insights and analysis related to the business and meeting content that are really helpful for the business. The AI component to extract patterns and sentiments across multiple meetings is a huge tool for managers and heads of teams to identify key issues and mitigate risks.
Having an automated speech-to-text conversion allows us to reduce human hours, which would normally take notes or have to review long audio files.
Being able to transcribe multiple call recordings into a searchable text format allows for coaching of issues in a much more efficient format than an audio recording.