Pragmatic Workbench (discontinued) vs. Redgate SQL Toolbelt Essentials

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Pragmatic Workbench (discontinued)
Score 8.5 out of 10
Enterprise companies (1,001+ employees)
Pragmatic Workbench Enterprise was a suite that combined four Pragmatic Works products: BI xPress, DBA xPress, DOC xPress and LegiTest. It was acquired by SentryOne in April 2018, and has reached its EOL phase. After the summer of 2022 it will likely no longer be available, and unsupported.
per seat
Redgate SQL Toolbelt Essentials
Score 8.4 out of 10
Redgate's SQL Toolbelt Essentials includes industry-standard tools for SQL Server development & deployment, enabling users to include SQL Server databases in agile processes and enabilng developers to embed robust and scalable development practices.
per year per user (1-4 users)
Pragmatic Workbench (discontinued)Redgate SQL Toolbelt Essentials
Editions & Modules
Workbench Client Edition
per seat
Workbench Server Edition
per server
Workbench Enterprise Edition (Client + Server)
1 user / 1 server
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Pricing Offerings
Pragmatic Workbench (discontinued)Redgate SQL Toolbelt Essentials
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup feeNo setup fee
Additional DetailsWorkbench Enterprise combines all of the functionality within Workbench Client (local install) and Workbench Server (server install).—
More Pricing Information
Community Pulse
Pragmatic Workbench (discontinued)Redgate SQL Toolbelt Essentials
Top Pros
Top Cons
Pragmatic Workbench (discontinued)Redgate SQL Toolbelt Essentials
Database Development
Comparison of Database Development features of Product A and Product B
Pragmatic Workbench (discontinued)
1 Ratings
6% above category average
Redgate SQL Toolbelt Essentials
Test data generation9.01 Ratings00 Ratings
Best Alternatives
Pragmatic Workbench (discontinued)Redgate SQL Toolbelt Essentials
Small Businesses
Score 8.4 out of 10
Score 8.4 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 8.4 out of 10
Score 8.4 out of 10
Score 8.4 out of 10
Score 8.4 out of 10
All AlternativesView all alternativesView all alternatives
User Ratings
Pragmatic Workbench (discontinued)Redgate SQL Toolbelt Essentials
Likelihood to Recommend
(1 ratings)
(14 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
Support Rating
(1 ratings)
(5 ratings)
User Testimonials
Pragmatic Workbench (discontinued)Redgate SQL Toolbelt Essentials
Likelihood to Recommend
Discontinued Products
Workbench Enterprise is consistent across devices and users so far. It works the same, and access is easy. I have a problem with its security. If you use an enterprise password to access databases, it's very easy to click the show password on the connection page and expose the enterprise password. You shouldn't allow users to use the same accounts to access the database because that means all users are sharing the same password.
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We use SQL Compare to troubleshoot performance problems quite a bit since our data model is more like a template and not everything is 100% in sync and customization occurs between different client databases. We continually get pulled into performance issues and the developers will say Client A is performing different than Client B, why? Using SQL Compare, we usually find that one client was tuned and had indexes altered or added that weren't deployed to all clients or other objects weren't deployed correctly during the release. On the other hand, since our data model practices allow client databases to drift I tried to create a new golden image by trying to compare multiple databases based on the same data model and found it to be a very difficult process to complete using SQL Compare. SQL Compare gave me too much information and doesn't allow enough filtering to eliminate a lot of the noise.
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Discontinued Products
  • Querying is easy and quick.
  • Updating tables is very easy.
  • It gives us very accurate error messages.
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  • Simple and easy comparison of database schemas and data. Differences can be copied or synced from one database to another with a click of a button.
  • You can save "projects" so that you can easily rerun a previous comparison whenever you need to.
  • It has a very simple, easy to learn interface. I've never needed to read any documentation or watch any tutorials in order to figure out how to do something.
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Discontinued Products
  • It has autocompleted, but I find it difficult to use or get to use.
  • It doesn't automatically complete table names or field names.
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  • Pricing.... I wish there was an inexpensive developer version I could buy for myself.
  • Portability.... I would like to use it from a flash drive so I can use it where ever I am asked to work.
  • Unbundled.... This may be available already but I dont' recall I can buy it cheaply as a stand-alone product. Its only part of the bundle - cost effectively.
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Discontinued Products
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It's a good tool to have, but becomes expensive to buy a user license for each developer.
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Support Rating
Discontinued Products
Our team does the support for us. Sometimes we see download related issues that can easily be fixed by our team. Most issues you will see with one user in your org will probably happen to others, so keep a log and track those issues. Then have a fix for them somewhere that everyone has access to. This will save you a lot of time troubleshooting.
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They have a great community website where you can search for answers but are also very responsive when it comes to direct support.
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Alternatives Considered
Discontinued Products
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I've used Visual Studio Database Projects for this type of work in the past with some success, but Redgate SQL Compare is faster, more transparent, and simply easier to use. Faster is self explanatory. More transparent, means that it's much easier to set up your desired options for schema change deployment scripts. Easier to use, It's really dead simple. Start a project, connect your source, connect destination, click compare.
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Return on Investment
Discontinued Products
  • I personally like Workbench Enterprise, and I can do everything I need to do using it.
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  • Makes deployment fairly simple. Cutting our deployment time down.
  • With the SDK, we can customize our deployment process very quickly and easily.
  • History is not great, it does create scripts you can go back and see but it would be nice to have a quicker version view by object to save time.
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Pragmatic Workbench (discontinued) Screenshots

Screenshot of Real-Time SSIS Execution DiagramScreenshot of Visual Object LineageScreenshot of Data Validation Testing DesignerScreenshot of Data Validation Testing -  Performance DashboardScreenshot of Workbench Launch Dashboard