If you have the budget for it it can do great things, if you are a small company run, don't walk away.
Overall Satisfaction with Actuate
We are using it to present reports to customers and to our executives for our rich media advertising business. Our entire business uses this as a reporting platform. We had internally developed reporting, that worked well, but was hard to support and extend and expensive to maintain. We also wanted to embed it in another application to include customer facing reporting in the platform they use.
- In terms of extensibility this is the best reporting platform we have seen. You can build very sophisticated reports with different data sources, and extend the basic functionality with javscript code
- Securing the BI system is also a strength and the system can be configured relatively easily.
- Reports can be available on mobile devices
- Good Javascript embedding framework does not require the site to be built in java
- We have found a ton of bugs in there, our implementation is very complex and we use a lot of features, but we wish there were less bugs. Particularly with parameter display and validation.
- Actuate has decided not to continue to support the birtondemand platform and it is running on older versions of their main platform.
- Building out security extensibility is rather complex.
- They have not had a rest interface until new versions of iHub.
- Jaspersoft,Pentaho,Microsoft BI
It is vastly superior to these in many ways, for complex reporting it is a much more sophisticated solution. Visualizations are very good. Javascript extensibility is very powerful, others don't support this or as well. Pentaho and MS are both OLAP oriented. Pentaho is moving more toward big data, which was not our primary focus. Others are stuck in the Crystal Reports Band metaphor.
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