Articulate Storyline 2 worked for us.
Updated July 29, 2015

Articulate Storyline 2 worked for us.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Storyline

Overall Satisfaction with Articulate 360

We are using Storyline 2 to produce online training for school district personnel. We use audio and video samples to train personnel how to administer and score student exams. We also use it to create quizzes that the district personnel can use to assure they have calibrated to scoring the student exams.


  • Storyline makes it easy to publish content for our LMS. The files created are easily used across varying platforms.


  • HTML5 publishing still needs some work.
  • Articulate has made it easy for us to expand our training reach. We are able to serve over 10,000 district employees with our training, which would not have been possible with in-person trainings.
From usage of previous Articulate products, I knew Storyline 2 was the product for us. It is fairly intuitive and it allowed for easy conversion from previous versions of Articulate files.
If you want to be able to publish content quickly and easily then this is the product to use. Articulate makes it easy to get learning content created and published for use in a minimal amount of time.

Using Articulate 360

Our company supports K–12 students.
2 - Articulate is a easy to use program. With minimal training we are able to produce and support the content with over 10,000 users.


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