AWS Config is the only one you need for your AWS infrastructure monitoring
March 27, 2019
AWS Config is the only one you need for your AWS infrastructure monitoring
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with AWS Config
We use AWS config to set a ground rule of our AWS configuration and resources. Since we are using AWS S3 for a lot of our critical resources, AWS config makes it easy for us to evaluate the configuration of those resources as well as tracking the configuration history to see whenever any configuration changes cause an issue to our service.
- Track many AWS server configuration
- Faster and easier audit process of your AWS services configuration
- Keeping history of changes means its easy to spot any issues that occur whenever any changes happened
- The interface is not really user friendly and the configuration option is not easy to use either
- Only available for resources within AWS
- Some service can be quite costly, we need to prioritise which service that we would apply AWS config to and leave the less important service without AWS config monitoring
- A "Big Fish" company that is more concerned about the security of their data came aboard with us more easily since they trust us with the AWS config setup
- Less time to debug or finding out issue on infrastructure whenever it happens
- Easy and fast to roll back whenever changes that caused issues happen
Despite the comparison it is not really apples to apples, the main purpose of the service is quite similar which is to monitor your application or services. In terms of AWS services, AWS Config provides more options to monitor and log your service on the infrastructure level which is very useful on that level and overall will give you more information about what is currently happening. Meanwhile PaperTrail is more suited to monitor and log your service and could only give you information on the application level.
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