AWS Elastic Beanstalk must be used to deploy and manage Customer applications
November 30, 2017

AWS Elastic Beanstalk must be used to deploy and manage Customer applications

Sandeep Singh | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with AWS Elastic Beanstalk

We used AWS Beanstalk for our Global Client in Telecom Domain. In our customer environment Elastic Beanstalk,(hereafter EB) we can quickly deploy and manage Customer applications in the AWS Cloud without sizing of the infrastructure that runs those applications. AWS EB reduces management complexity without restricting choice or control. We simply upload customer application, and EB will automatically handle the details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, scaling, and application health monitoring.


  • load balancing,
  • monitoring
  • dynamic capacity provision


  • need to create some easy step to deploy the BS in production environment. where data and application are mission critcical
  • till now we had not Calculated ROI as the project is still evolving and we had to keep on changing the environment implementation
  • it meets our purpose of quick deployment as compared to on-premises deployment
  • till now we look good as we also controlled our expenses which increased suddenly in the middle of deployment activity
We didn't use Lambda much till now. We, however, found better control of resources in EBS.
Application health monitoring is well suited as I am very happy with its performance. I don't face a major challenge as of now; still struggling to learn a lot about the EBS feature.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Feature Ratings

Ease of building user interfaces
Platform management overhead
Workflow engine capability
Platform access control
Services-enabled integration
Development environment creation
Development environment replication
Issue monitoring and notification
Issue recovery
Upgrades and platform fixes
Not Rated


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