Needs better trained staff and customer and tech support
December 21, 2016

Needs better trained staff and customer and tech support

Victor Evdokimov | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 4 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with HID DigitalPersona (formerly Crossmatch)

DigialPersona is used for user authentication on desktop machines, only to log on to an MS Active Directory domain. The idea was to have strong authentication for users and SSO for several platforms, however due to low level of integration and engineering team the project was done only partly. Mentioned goals were not achieved, and the technical support level is low, probably because of lack of trained IT personnel on the product.


  • Biometry is good
  • Quickly read fingerprints
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)


  • Training of customer personnel
  • Documentation
  • Tech support
Windows Authntication in Active Directory
  • Not a positive impact
  • Issues with integration
  • Issues with tech suport
  • BioLink
[DigitalPersona Altus has] Better working integration with Active Directory.
It is good for desktop authentication and could work fine with web apps. For legacy software, you will need to do some manipulations to fit it for single sign-on (SSO). It's less appropriate for organisations which are not ready to support and develop [the] product.


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