Great IDE for developing and deploying code
October 10, 2016

Great IDE for developing and deploying code

Chris Hansen | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Eclipse Luna

We use Eclipse Luna as a Javascript editor and to integrate with the subversion repository to push scripts to our installation or our clients' installations. Eclipse Luna validates the Javascript code, makes it easy to share code across installations, and handles the integration with the repository so that code delivery is consistent across all users.


  • Integration with code repositories
  • Code validation and intelligent code completion
  • Cross-Platform implementation


  • UI is still a little clunky
  • Too many steps to complete basic functions
  • Reduced errors in deploying code to customers.
  • Same tool on Linux/Mac/PC so training costs and retraining costs are lower
  • Reduced development time
The Javascript IDE space isn't great; standard integration with source control and intelligent code sensing makes Eclipse Luna a strong contender.
Visual Studio.NET
Eclipse Luna is great for a cross-platform development tool that works well and helps to ensure that standard code is deployed to customers.


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