Diversity of Connections
July 18, 2014
Diversity of Connections
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Software Version
Modules Used
- Profiles
- Forums
- Wikis
- Events
- Activities
- Blogs
- Files
Overall Satisfaction with IBM Connections
It is currently being used by a number of departments throughout the company. It is addressing different problems within each department but primarily it is being used to disseminate information, used for notifications of important deadlines and for collaboration between a large geographical area.
- Notifications - easily notifying users of changes in content whether it be blogs, forums or files.
- Discussions - easily and quickly set up discussion topics so communities can exchange ideas on a variety of topics.
- Quick set up - being able to rapidly set up a community in order to get a group collaborating.
- Increased security schemes.
- Community centric configurations
- Displays of textual type content (web pages)
- Better exchange of ideas
- More cohesiveness among members of departments who are geographically separated.
- Greater ability for multiple departments to share information.
- Novell Vibe,MS SharePoint
At the time we were evaluating collaboration tools we weren't sure if our users were ready for it or not. As such we wanted to purchase a product where the users could get the feel for collaboration without making a huge software and infrastructure commitment in case they would not buy into it. Connections filled the need perfectly. Since we were an IBM shop already it made even more sense. The best thing is that Connections has continued to meet our collaboration needs even though it has caught on greatly with our user community and demand increases every day. We will continue to use Connections despite other larger more expensive options are out there.
IBM Connections Support
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Good followup Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Kept well informed Immediate help available Support cares about my success | None |
Yes - We have contracted with an IBM partner for additional development and support work.
Yes - Yes.
Using IBM Connections
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Relatively simple Easy to use Technical support not required Well integrated Consistent Quick to learn Convenient Feel confident using Familiar | None |
- Event creation and integration with Outlook
- Forums
- Blogs
- Activities
Yes - I think the app is very good. Most people find it more straight forward than the desktop version.
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