Great A/B Testing Platform for Significant and Mesaurable Landing Page Improvements
January 29, 2016

Great A/B Testing Platform for Significant and Mesaurable Landing Page Improvements

Paul Stainton | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with ion interactive

We first tested ION on a small scale for some landing page testing. Since the initial and significant success using the platform, we have expanded to cover various programs and campaigns and many of my colleagues now use ION as well.


  • A/B Tests and Multi-Variant Tests.
  • Conditional formatting, such as changing site content based on URL variables.
  • Populating backend databases (e.g. SalesForce) with unique identifiers based on the campaign and/or the test.


  • Saved performance data needs to be cleared out regularly in order to keep from going over the user "quota" and incurring additional costs.
  • Challenges on breaking out reports to show conversion by action type (sale vs. lead vs. signup).
  • It would be really helpful to have automated reports that accumulate and report on data since the test start, you can only (as far as I know) set a time period but can't select "From Date xx/xx/xxxx onward".
  • We've seen significant improvements in lead capture and qualification rates through vigorous testing of landing pages and lead forms.
  • Testing of lead vs. purchase flows have also allowed us to understand the best path to purchase an increased total revenue.
We found ION to be much better at being able to quickly and effectively launch, measure and change tests. The only downside is that ION needs to be on its owner server (at least with our setup) so it's not as easy to use it to test core site content.
ion interactive (ION) is a testing platform, and as such should be used for testing. If you find yourself in a situation where you have declared a winner that will stay as is for a longer period of time, it's best to move that off of ION because of the data and usage issues.

Ion, by Rock Content Feature Ratings

Not Rated
Content collaboration
Not Rated
Content hub
Not Rated
Forms / Gated content
Not Rated
Embedded CTAs
Not Rated
Content distribution
Not Rated
Content promotion
Not Rated
Content automation
Not Rated
Audience profiling and targeting
Closed-loop tracking and reporting
Not Rated
Content performance analytics
Campaign optimization dashboard


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