The Orchestral Security Dashboard
Overall Satisfaction with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator
We wanted a way of having a single console to cover most of our security management and McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator has an easy to use and informative dashboard approach that lets you build a single pane of glass view is so desired. Multi-consoles didn't allow the efficiencies of the department to be made and became an overhead and a bottleneck when trying to discover areas of concern.
- A unified dashboard view provides security intelligence across different endpoints.
- Allowed us to access our third party IT infrastructure from a single security management console.
- Where workflows were cumbersome and messy this allowed them to be more streamlined.
- Setup was more time consuming than expected.
- Consolidated with McAfee products better than other vendor products.
- Support for lesser-known vendors was not available.
- Licensing is always negotiable
- Brings together all McAfee products and ROI
- Time needs to be spent to make sure the product is defined and set up to perform maximum efficiency otherwise any ROI gains can be lost.
Other products that were reviewed were Symantec's DLP and Forcepoint. The reason we ultimately went the ePolicy Orchestrator route was that we owned other McAfee products and the logic way to bring them together and to gain the maximum information was to bin them together with orchestrator, We also own AlienVault and we had to achieve various workarounds to get the information that was required from this and fed into orchestrator. Therefore is you are predominantly a McAfee shop this product will be the logical selection.
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