Planview Portfolios
Overall Satisfaction with Planview Portfolios
We use Portfolios to capture Value Streams and Initiatives. The supporting Epics are all put into E1 and we have Resources nominate to the Epics. All of our forecasts come out of E1 and are used by our Portfolio teams to review actuals and forecasts to make investment decisions.
- System has many ways to accomplish the same tasks
- Visibility to the information is available to all
- There should be an easier way to find specific Epics instead of setting up a Portfolio or using the Search button. You should be able to search within the Work module
- There has been a delay in producing a new feature that will allow users to set the standard nomination utilization at 1%. Right now, it is 100% (or whatever is left) and it causes us all kinds of issues because people forget to change it.
- The system requires too many clicks to get to a specific answer. For example, if a Resource can't nominate to an Epic, there are around 10-15 clicks to open the Epic, find the line that they are trying to nominate to and checking to see if there is open demand.
- Scheduling of Epics
- Nomination to Epics
- Impacts to Epics
- Our Resource organizations have indicated that they are spending a significantly longer period of time doing their monthly nominations,
- We do have a better view of Epics in the pipeline and when they are launching.
Clarity is significantly more configurable and more intuitive. When implementing Clarity, you do have to be careful not to configure too much- if you do, the canned reports will not work.
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