Strong Data Management Tool
Overall Satisfaction with Sisense
SiSense is used across the organization. It's managed by an anaylitcal but nontechnical team. It's used primarily for dashboards which are consumed by executives, managers, and front-line employees. It allows us to have transparency into key metrics, allowing all users to have timely information about the state of the business regarding key metrics.
- Managing data such that there is a single source of truth
- Processing large quantities of data
- Connecting to many different data sources
- Building dashboards is very mouse-heavy and often a slow process
- Provide more training upfront so companies use best practices from the start
- Types of visualizations should be improved to look better and have more functionality & flexibility
- Increased data consistency
- More timely information, allowing us to address customer problems
- Improved efficiency for analyst team
Sisense Implementation
- Implemented in-house
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