Easy way to upload journal entries
August 08, 2014

Easy way to upload journal entries

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
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Software Version


Modules Used

  • Journal Entries

Overall Satisfaction with Winshuttle

Winshuttle is being used at my company to upload journal entries into SAP. We use it for everything from a simple two line entry to a more complex thousands of line entries. Winshuttle is being used by all areas of the company that make journal entries. This addresses the problem of being able to upload large journal entries to SAP.


  • Simplicity of uploading a Journal Entries.
  • Automatically breaks apart large entries into manageable sizes with doc splinting capabilities.
  • Since Winshuttle is an add on to Excel you are able to copy and paste numbers from other spreadsheets into the JE.


  • The Winshuttle add-on has a maximum number of lines of 999. Many of our journal entries are larger than that so you have to post multiple JE's that are split apart.
  • When you upload a JE it freezes the computer and Excel for a period of time while it uploads.
  • Every time an update is made to our custom templates you have to download a new template and the old one will not work.
  • We are able to speed up the JE creation which leads to higher employee efficiency.
  • We have the ability to direct post with Winshuttle which saves time.
  • Quicker ability to have template changes made at the corporate level.
With Lawson there were many steps to upload large documents and you would not know if it worked or not until the very end even if a misstep was made during the initial upload. Additionally, it was a very time consuming process and there was not a simple way to complete large JE's. Winshuttle has given us a quick way to upload large JE's very efficiently.
In order to get a different tool to use for large journal entries, it would require large system changes and a large capital investment. We have the ability now to continue to upgrade Winshuttle and stay on the most current version with minimal new development. Winshuttle does all the functions that we need it to do in an efficient manner.
It is well suited to use this product for Journal entries that are larger than 4 lines because of the ability to copy and paste. While in SAP you have to type in everything where as with a Winshuttle JE upload you can copy and paste repetitive items. With JE that are less than 4 lines it is just as easy to go into SAP and enter them yourself because of the process of once Winshuttle is uploaded you still have to go into SAP and save as complete for the JE to enter the correct SAP workflow.


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