Making Sense

Making Sense

Innovative Software As an International Technology Company, Making Sense offers end-to-end UX-focused software product development. With over 130 professionals working in different offices located in the United States, Argentina and Mexico, we provide Software Services to companies seeking to scale in product innovation. The company has the best of both worlds, the cost benefits of a nearshore model with timely communication & support on site. - Custom Product Development - Mobile Development - Quality Assurance - Gaming Making Sense created a software tool that enables the creation of landing pages in minutes, and, an Email Marketing tool which allows a user to create, send, analyze and optimize Email Marketing campaigns. Some of the most important clients include Rackspace, DELL, AMD, COPsync, FOX Sports, Telmex, Best Buy, Nokia, 3M,, Intel and Microsoft. Making Sense is part of national and international organizations: -Microsoft Certified Partner -IAOP (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals) -Nearshore Executive Alliance -North San Antonio Chamber -CESSI Argentina, Cámara de Empresas de Software y Servicios informáticos de Argentina (Chamber of Software and IT Services Companies of Argentina) -ATICMA, Asociación de Tecnología e Información y Comunicación de Mar del Plata (Technology, IT and Comunication Association of Mar del Plata) -Associate of Polo IT Buenos Aires
