Autodesk 3ds Max vs. Navisworks

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Autodesk 3ds Max
Score 8.5 out of 10
Autodesk offers 3ds Max, 3D modeling and rendering software for design visualization, games, and animation. The vendor states that users can produce professional-quality 3D animations, renders, and models with an efficient and flexible toolset to help create better 3D content in less time.
per month per user
Score 9.2 out of 10
Autodesk's Navisworks is a 3D model and construction project review and coordination software allowing the user to combine design and construction data into a single model, and identify and resolve clash and interference problems before construction.
per month
Autodesk 3ds MaxNavisworks
Editions & Modules
Monthly Subscription
per month per user
Yearly Subscription
per year per user
3-Year Subscription
3 years per user
Navisworks Simulate - Monthly
per month per user
Navisworks Manage - Monthly
per month per user
Navisworks Simulate - Yearly
per year per user
Navisworks Manage - Yearly
per year per user
Navisworks Simulate - 3 Year
3 years per user
Navisworks Manage - 3 Year
3 year per user
Pricing Offerings
Autodesk 3ds MaxNavisworks
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup feeNo setup fee
Additional DetailsFlex pricing available for limited usage. Minimum plan $300 for 100 tokens. 3ds Max costs 6 tokens per day.
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Community Pulse
Autodesk 3ds MaxNavisworks
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Autodesk 3ds MaxNavisworks
Small Businesses
Score 9.5 out of 10
Score 9.5 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 9.5 out of 10
Score 9.5 out of 10
Score 8.7 out of 10
Score 8.7 out of 10
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User Ratings
Autodesk 3ds MaxNavisworks
Likelihood to Recommend
(11 ratings)
(17 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
(1 ratings)
Support Rating
(1 ratings)
(9 ratings)
User Testimonials
Autodesk 3ds MaxNavisworks
Likelihood to Recommend
For print media for marketing and for 3d animations for web spots and TV ads/movies/programs. It is less suited for quick 3d graphics or images that you get from AI image programs, but it is much more powerful than most AI image programs.
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Navisworks is a key tool if doing any 3D model coordination with other trades. It will allow you to view your model content with others to know for certain that your design is accurate and can be assembled. Navisworks also comes with a lot of additional tools to make this process easy.
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  • 3ds Max includes some of the inbuild modifiers which can be very good in the case of beginners.
  • 3rd party Rendering support makes 3ds Max a powerful software for rendering out realistic images.
  • Autodesk 3ds max in comparison to its rivals is lightweight and fast, also the animation case also.
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  • Model Viewing, the navigation tools are really easy to use for walking through the model, especially if viewpoints are set up for key locations.
  • The take-offs work really well and can be very quick and easy if the model was built right.
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  • working in 2d is very frustrating and unreliable. It just lacks the precision
  • How scaling affects units (or doesn't) There needs to be a way for modifiers to address a change of scale in the object.
  • Booleans are not intuitive. Especially for architecture, creating an opening and putting a door or a window is an incredibly cumbersome process.
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  • A link to BIM 360 Model Coordination is a serious shortcoming. It used to be easy to link to models loaded to BIM 360 Glue for more in depth clash detection.
  • I would have liked the ability to export a simulation created in Navisworks to 3DS Max for a more immersive animation with decent material mapping and better animation tools.
  • I would like to be able to view/create BIM 306 Docs/Field issues directly in Navisworks. In the current workflow we have to use other file formats to work within BIM 360. It would be more productive to be able to navigate the model through Navisworks and to create viewpoints and issues from within Navisworks.
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Likelihood to Renew
It satisfies 95% of my 3d visualization need. The left over 5% is handled by a few other programs. If Max just can't perform a specific task I can do that elsewhere and then bring it back to Max to finish up. But, it's rare that this occurs in my work
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No answers on this topic
It is a very difficult program to learn to use and even harder to use well. But once you get to using it it is a great software package to know how to use. Getting to be good at using it takes lots of use.
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Users are very happy with it and hear no complains from them
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Support Rating
I have contacted support many times and have had a good experience. They have always been helpful
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Autodesk owns Navisworks, and it seems to have a pretty good support network. A lot of the troubleshooting or support information is provided through an online database, so you most likely would not be getting any personal attention with your issues. Since there are so many users for Navisworks, there is a lot of information on the web.
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Alternatives Considered
In Autodesk 3ds Max you can do camera animation with ease, its complex in Cinema 4D. Even I think same with light setup. Setting up light is quite easy in Autodesk 3ds Max as compare to Cinema 4D. Overall Autodesk 3ds Max is less complex in compare to other 3D softwares.
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Navisworks is a master tool if we want to do any 3D model coordination with any trade of a building. It allows us to view our model content with all elements to visualize and understand for certain where our design stands in terms of accuracy and how all things can be assembled on site. Navisworks also comes with a lot of additional tools to make BIM process easy.
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Return on Investment
  • 3ds Max has one of the best control tools that can help someone to sculpt almost anything. With the vertex tool and polyline edit function we can create almost any complex geometry.
  • Default rendering is equipped with almost everything that is needed for process, V-Ray for 3ds Max is the best 3rd party plugin for getting crisp renders.
  • The four view port tools for viewing the model helps from each and every angle. The moment and selection tools in the 3ds Max are quit easy to operate.
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  • It helps in coordination on BIM projects. We have had major project coordination saving millions on jobs.
  • Helps us win more projects as we can coordinate them
  • Used to use the animation tools for site logistics. Now we use game engines.
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