Nakisa Hanelly Reviews
Nakisa Hanelly

Nakisa HanellyPricing

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Nakisa Hanelly Pricing Overview


What is Nakisa Hanelly?

Nakisa Hanelly is a cloud-based organizational design solution with org chart and employee analytics. Hanelly allows you to visualize your current organization and plan future structures through intuitive organizational design. Nakisa Hanelly compliments and integrates with third…


  • HasFree Trial
  • Does not haveFree/Freemium Version
  • HasPremium Consulting/Integration Services

Entry-level set up fee?

  • No setup fee

Build Hanelly to fit your needs, by size and by requirement. This way you get the highest quality software, with only what you need, at a simple monthly price that makes sense for you. With Basic, Standard and Advanced packages based on number of employees. Starting from $500/ month. You can also Try Before You Buy to see first hand what Nakisa Hanelly can do. No credit card information is required, and after 14 days of testing out the solution, you have the option to buy.

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Nakisa Hanelly Alternatives Pricing

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What is ActivTrak?

ActivTrak is a cloud-native workforce intelligence platform that transforms work activity data into actionable insights for employee monitoring, productivity and performance management, and workforce planning capabilities. Deployment enables organizations to start collecting data in minutes.

Microsoft Visio

What is Microsoft Visio?

Microsoft offers Visio, a diagramming tool for building flowcharts, diagrams (e.g. network diagrams), org charts and floor plans, available online as a subscription and also in enterprise level packages (e.g. Visio Professional).

What is is an online diagramming tool with integrations with Jira, Google, and Confluence available free online or at cost depending on integration chosen.