Avaya. You could choose someone else, but why would you?
Overall Satisfaction with Avaya IX Contact Center (formerly Intelligent Xperiences Contact Center)
Avaya is used in our company in a global aspect, from our Callcenter, to Sales, Marketing, Finance, HR, etc. We use it for all of our telephone needs, we use Avaya Modular Messaging for our Voicemail system as well as a few internal automated attendants. Our IP Connections to our offices globally allow us to make calls to nearly any office over IP Links, thus avoiding toll charges for all in-house phonecalls. We also have users that can run a softphone on their computer to work remotely. We use our Modular Messaging system for voicemail, as well as voicemail alerts, and finding a user when they are away.
- Telephony Communications (ie, "Dialtone", calling, forwarding, conferencing)
- VoIP
- Call Accounting
- None.
- Enterprise Call Routing (Getting to the right endpoint)
- Reduced Toll Charges
- Reduced Conferencing charges
- Better Reporting
- Call Logging (Increased customer satisfaction)
- Aspect
When I came to this company in 1998, they were using Aspect, we changed over to Avaya in 1999. Reason: Scalability, reliability, global reach. We needed a product that would allow us to quickly create and configure users and extensions, get them skilled up to take customer calls, have a voicemail system that could alert us to new messages, etc. Avaya fit the bill.
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