Clio- an overview
April 27, 2018

Clio- an overview

Jeremy Abrams | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Clio

Clio is being used as an all-access tool. We put in our clients, their matters, all activities related to them, and can generate bills straight from the software. It even has communication built in where you can send messages to one another regarding a particular matter.


  • Matter generation
  • Client bases
  • Bill creation


  • Simplicity
  • Making communication easier
  • Allowing for the uploading of documents
  • Allows for better projections
  • Simplifies client organization
  • Doesn't allow for as much collaberation
Clio is particularly well suited for a smaller firm where people can hand a file back and forth and you don't have to rely on working on the same document online. It makes billing quick and easy if all the time is put in by the attorney or secretary in an efficient manner. Things would get far too complicated and slow with a larger firm.


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