DraftSight - a great package at an affordable price!
Overall Satisfaction with DraftSight
I use DraftSight both professionally and personally. I use it professionally to create architectural roof details and to read and amend details sent to me from other professions. As a consultant, I am able to create and supply bespoke technical roof details to architects and roofing contractors. Designers will also supply me drawings which I can review and, if necessary amend. I also use CAD details to provide material estimates and wind load calculations for fixing specifications.
I also use it in my hobby of building musical instruments, in which I design and draw all the components required for each instrument.
I also use it in my hobby of building musical instruments, in which I design and draw all the components required for each instrument.
- Straightforward layout.
- Easy to use, especially if the user has previously used AutoCAD.
- Accurate.
- Great for architectural and engineering detailing.
- Something as basic as 'save as' should be accessible in the top row. I have to remember to type it in the box at the bottom of the screen.
- The menu for functions such as line weights and text size could be clearer.
- Enables me to provide excellent information in response to requests for technical information. It is hard to put a figure on the business this enables, but it is significant.
- I am able to create technical literature for clients which includes details, something that would not be possible without DraftSight.
- DraftSight has enabled me to have a professional CAD package at a reasonable price. As an independent Consultant starting a business in 2018, I would not have been able to afford or justify the cost of the AutoCAD system.
For me, DraftSight easily compares favorably with AutoCAD. Not because there is anything wrong with AutoCAD but because the features I need and use everyday are in DraftSight. Yes, AutoCAD has manly more features, but I don't need these and DraftSight is more affordable and so better suited for a small operation like mine; i.e. a single-person independent consultancy.
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