Improves Volunteer Engagement
June 26, 2021

Improves Volunteer Engagement

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 6 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with EveryAction

It is used in our Organizing Department to track volunteers' participation and interests. It creates one place for us to put all information about our 2,000+ volunteers and track things like who attends which meetings, how active they are, and what campaigns they are interested in. It also allows us to directly contact those folks through email, text or phone.


  • Bulk Email- very easy to create a specific list & templates are easy to use.
  • Integration with Zoom- makes inputting meetings much quicker.


  • Event input especially for 1-1s is very tedious.
  • Need to be able to integrate recurring zoom meetings with events management.
  • The difference between tags and activist codes is not clear to me.
  • Unified reporting system makes it easy to pull reports for the whole state on what events we have engaged folks in.
  • Improved bulk emails to regional supporters, making it more efficient and involving less staff in emailing a large list.
Our staff needed a more thorough training process. I'm sure we are under utilizing it because we are unaware of how to use all the features.
I've never had a problem accessing EveryAction and they always alert when the system will be down for maintenance.
It has allowed us to communicate more frequently and in a more targeted manner with members.

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It is helpful for identifying members by geographic area and pulling a contact list from that. It's also helpful for a large scale analysis of how many events were hosted, how many attendees, etc. to be used in grant & other types of reporting. It is less helpful in keeping detailed track of individual volunteers because the reporting process to very cumbersome, so I'm not likely to enter every time I contact someone. Especially tracking 1-1s, which is a very important data point, has way too many steps. I wish there was a way to select a volunteer & click a button that says "had a 1-1 on x day". There's no reason to roles, location, etc. for reporting on 1-1s or those additional details should be optional.

Using EveryAction

It has a lot of features - some of which I'm sure are great but I have no idea how to use them. It's difficult to find time as an organizer to train on complex software.
Do not like to use
Unnecessarily complex
Difficult to use
Requires technical support
Not well integrated
Slow to learn
Feel nervous using
Lots to learn


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