FACTS does what it promises
April 11, 2022
FACTS does what it promises

Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with FACTS Student Information System (formerly RenWeb)
We use FACTS as our student database for PS-HS. We use it for billing, grades, communications, etc. FACTS organizes all our data into one central location. Also, because our school is separated across several campuses, it's easy to access no matter where you are. We also now use FACTS for all our applications.
- Allows for easy communication between various groups.
- Allows for easy billing.
- Allows for grading and parent access to grades.
- The new inputting process is a bit complicated.
- Label creation is sometimes hard to get the info you want on the label.
- There is no notification when an email does not go through. You'd have to look it up to know.
- Communication
- Billing
- Grades
- Easily streamlines student management functions.
- Easy for parents to access online.
FACTS is more robust and has more features.
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