Formstack Fan 2014
July 25, 2014

Formstack Fan 2014

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Overall Satisfaction with Formstack

Formstack is used as a survey tool for inter-office decisions and for Marketing purposes. It is used across the entire organization, and it addresses the issues of having to send copious amounts of emails to get people's opinion, one formstack can solve this issue in 10 minutes or less, it is very convenient.


  • Helps decision-making process more time efficient
  • Keeps data all in one place
  • I love the export option into Excel, very convenient!


  • I think the "building your own form" function could be a little more user friendly.
  • I think the Conditional Logic function may be too complex for many users.
  • Increased employee efficiency
  • Major time saver
I have never used anything like Formstack before!
Formstack is, when it comes down to it, a very useful tool for many many reasons. It is incredibly easy to use (for people taking the survey), looks professional, and saves a lot of time on the research end of things, as well as the administrative end of things (compiling data, that sort of business).
It is very well suited for massive surveys. It is a great way to save time and can be used across many mediums.


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