Gephi for analyzing Social Media - Education
April 23, 2014

Gephi for analyzing Social Media - Education

Shrawan Raina | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Software Version


Overall Satisfaction

I used Gephi primarily during my graduate study for a course on Analyzing social media network. I have used Gephi along with Node XL for studying social media networks primarily Facebook and Twitter. It was also used during the final project for determining patterns in hash-tags used via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram during natural calamity and how that aided government and other organizations (radio channels) in sending important message across masses.


  • Visualization of any graph based network. A visual network is easier to comprehend than have a table displaying the relation
  • It provides several algorithms that can help in data clustering based on the input parameters (no. of nodes, degree and such).
  • There are several statistics that can be run on the data to obtain useful information like betweenness, modularity, avg. degree which prove crucial for analysis


  • NodeXL is a similar tool as part of Microsoft Excel and it provides a feature of connecting with social media websites and extracting data from there, however Gephi depends on third-party apps for such service.
  • I have only used the product for education purposes. I will not be the best person to provide details about ROI and business efficiency and customer service. I was personally very excited about the tool and am continuing my work on the tool.
I have used RStudio and Rattle for Data Analytics and although RStudio is more powerful for cleaning and mining large sets of data, Rattle is not that efficient in graph visualization where Gephi comes out as a winner.
I will be renewing my use of Gephi if there is a requirement of this tool for work. Other than that I will not be using this tool in future.
It is a perfect tool for analyzing social media and other similar graphed networks (transportation system). It can be used to develop social profile of individuals and I see a lot of scope in the advertising industry of this particular product for micro targeting consumers.


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