Google Keep - Live tiles make for a pleasing note taking experience
Overall Satisfaction with Google Keep
I use Google Keep on a personal level to assist with my tasks for work. Asana is the primary tool used within my scope of work, but Google Keep helps me stay on task and make notes where other apps are too bulky. I find Keep to be the best solution for me vs. other note-taking apps (Simplenote, etc.). It's a live tile interface, and ease of use makes it quick and easy to use and see exactly what I need to whenever I open it.
- User Interface
- Live Tiles
- Lacks a desktop app
- Lacks app integration
- Helps me stay on task
- Keeping track of ideas as they pop up
I prefer Google Keep over every other simple note-taking app. I prefer the interface and ease of use. Live tiles make for a much neater and easier to use interface than anything else. Easier to see precisely what's there when I open the app, lists are easy to make and keep track of. Labels and colors make it organized and aesthetically pleasing. Just overall, it's much simpler while accomplishing more or less the same goals as anything else.
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