After the initial learning curve, a fairly robust ticketing system
July 30, 2021
After the initial learning curve, a fairly robust ticketing system

Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Jira Software
The entire organization uses Jira Software, although to varying levels and in different ways. On my individual team we use it more to plan for upcoming projects and track tasks or bugs. It allows us to not only assign out responsibilities and see their status, but also to determine their priority and also estimate the amount of impact and time the task will take.
- Offers a variety of ways to create dashboards to view projects, boards, tickets, etc based on any number of personal preferences
- Can easily receive notifications regarding a project's progress when the ticket is updated by being a watcher on the ticket
- Offers a robust number of settings for a project board's tickets and how they can be created
- Is best suited for concrete, clear tasks to be assigned and doesn't work as well for more abstract, loosely defined projects
- To create projects with multiple steps, the use of Epics can become clunky and integrating dependencies into the process is not easily done
- It's not terribly intuitive and a new user of Jira Software likely will have a steep learning curve
- The ability to track the progress of a project across teams
- The ability to quickly create a ticket and assign it directly to a person so the work can begin with little delay
- The ability to create dashboards to view tickets in progress and how things are progressing
- Allows for greater velocity (creating and assigning tickets without discussion)
- Allows for greater clarity (no asking around for what the status is on a project)
- Allows for quantifying impact (being able to track the number of tickets closed)
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