Great compensation tool, if you are willing to share your data for theirs
May 20, 2024

Great compensation tool, if you are willing to share your data for theirs

David Bard | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Pave

We use Pave as one of a few sources of compensation market data to ensure we are remaining competitive when it comes to the base salaries that we offer. It meets many needs, including being affordable, reliable, and fairly accurate.
  • Easy to use
  • Free version (if you sync your HR system) still valuable
  • Company-sourced versus employee
  • Well defined levels and scope for roles
  • Always adding more countries and data
  • Need more data, especially for more niche roles
  • Need more roles represented
  • Need more industries covered
  • Reduced time to find reliable compensation data
  • Improved accuracy versus using other sources that are more crowdsourced
  • More informed decisions around compensation and how we decide on what base salaries to offer
We have used or currently still use the others I listed. Others not found in TrustRadius include Ravio,, and

It is best practice in HR to use more than one source for compensation data and aggregate them together, which is what I do with Pave alongside other systems. I do consider Pave to be a better option compared to others, but I think the more compensation data you can get your hands on, the better.

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Pave seems to work really well in the technology/software industry. Not sure about others, but seems limited, depending on what roles/jobs you are looking at. Data can be pretty limited, especially when you get more granular and look at levels versus prefixes (junior, senior, etc.). Highly recommended as one of at least a few data sources for compensation, depending on industry.