Signal From a Campaign user Perspective
January 23, 2021
Signal From a Campaign user Perspective

Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Signal Data Services, from TransUnion
Signal is used as a means of ensuring security and record-keeping among the political campaign and it's staff. This is done in order to meet the legal requirements of record-keeping that come with a public campaign for president, especially one directly associated with candidates, rather than organized through a non-profit or third party vendor. This service encrypted and stored our conversations, along with allowing individuals to react to each others messages, have smoother group conversations, and manage multi-media
- Security, the encryption is a great feature
- Multimedia loads quickly and reliably
- Reactions are a good way of marking messages seen, and giving basic feeback
- UI was a little clunky, with the initial homepage not particularly appealing
- Muting notifications on large chats can only be done for set, not custom, intervals
- Notifications would frequently show up more than once, a rather annoying habit
- Wonderful for ensuring we meet our logistical and record-keeping requirements
- Negative at being the best at quality-of-life options, like specific muting
- Great at allowing a casual work environment in having chats for memes, pets, etc.
I believe Slack does work better than Signal for PC and office-oriented teams, but found that signal was the go-to for a rapidly growing and dismantling structure like a campaign. The Mobile interface, and the use of cell phone numbers rather than emails as a form of verification and a basis of identity makes it perfect for a campaign environment
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