Excellent Virtual Meeting Hosting Product---Cisco WebEx
Updated October 12, 2020

Excellent Virtual Meeting Hosting Product---Cisco WebEx

Ratulsnigdha Saha | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Cisco Webex Meetings

WebEx Meetings is used by the entire company and by various departments. The main advantage is to have virtual meetings at the same time between various consultants and clients at various geographical locations. One single WebEx meeting can save a huge amount of time between consultants and client. This helps to save plenty of business hours which can be utilized for other business operations.


  • A single virtual WebEx meeting can technically have people at various geographical locations reducing considerable amount of time and saving business hours.
  • File attachments can be shared among various users which is a huge bonus as instantly people can check and also provide expert comments.
  • Meetings can be recorded which is extremely helpful for future use.
  • Users can create web document using the main WebEx meeting site.


  • When users remotely access a virtual machine sometimes the WebEx meeting doesn't work properly and when they same link is copied back to the users physical machine it starts working fine. This does occur sometimes if not frequently but it is an issue that needs to be taken care by the company.
  • Users who are new to the product may have several questions about it's functionality and it usually resolved or explained in detail by IT admins on a day to day basis. I wish some of the functionalities were made a bit more general making it easy for non technical people to comprehend.
  • Sometimes users do get a bit confused trying to do the screen sharing (desktop).
  • Saving Business Hours: It saves huge amount of business hours (especially in consulting environments) which can be used in various other business processes generating huge amount of revenue.
  • Employee Efficiency: Sometimes email exchanges between various consultants and clients can be extremely time consuming and can take up a lot of individual hours from each person (be it a consultant or a client) and hosting a single virtual meeting can eliminate this issue and future action items can be discussed and documented using the WebEx all in one single meeting.
  • File Sharing: File sharing as always is a huge bonus that this product provides to all users. Having the ability to share a file also saves time overall improving the quality of business.
The user interface (UI) is very impressive, though many a times non technical staff member has questions or issues which are resolved by IT admins, but in general the UI does provide a good impression to users who start using the product. Most features are clearly highlighted on the interface. File sharing, meeting recording and attachments are one of the best features this product provides which comes extremely handy in most situations. Meetings are not just about people talking, these days one single meeting comprises of scenarios where documents are required to be looked into there and then and comments required to be made right away. People are anxious to share their desktop screens as well simultaneously make comments on it. Overall you see one meeting improves the productivity of any business set up be it small, medium or large. In an economy where businesses are trying to bucket the time of their resources I believe this product is an excellent fit as most importantly, it saves business hours.
The best scenario is for a business setup that has people and clients working around the clock in different geographical locations. This product is best suited for a scenario where a certain number of people (clients and consultants for instance) have to instantly get into a conversation regarding a project or a deliverable. A meeting can be hosted within no time, perfectly letting everyone to join it and participate.

Webex Meetings Feature Ratings

High quality audio
High quality video
Low bandwidth requirements
Mobile support
Not Rated
Desktop sharing
Calendar integration
Meeting initiation
Record meetings / events
Live chat
Audience polling
User authentication
Participant roles & permissions


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