Yubico YubiKeys Review
May 16, 2024

Yubico YubiKeys Review

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Yubico YubiKeys

The entire engineering org has to actually use the Yubico YubiKeys primarily because it acts as a second-factor authentication and we don't have to use the text message option and this is much more secure. You basically put it in and it generates the code for you. So all access to all company systems is governed by two-factor authentication and Yubico YubiKeys access is the second factor for us.
  • So as I said, the second-factor authentication that it does is really well. The response time is really good and all you have to do is just enter the second factor code and that's about it. Right? So that's the good part about using Yubico YubiKeys.
  • Occasionally, once or twice it might happen that I would press the key, but it'll not detect that I pressed the key. So I'd have to press it again, but that's just occasionally, sometimes. So maybe even if the key was a little bit bigger and I've detected that, I would've pressed it. But apart from that, I think it's pretty good.
  • I would say the thing that it has helped us increase is the increase in productivity. So waiting for either a pop notification on your phone or waiting for the SMS code and then manually enter the SMS code that has all been removed. Now it's just Yubico YubiKeys. So you press the Yubico YubiKeys, you get the second-factor code and that's all it. So there is definitely an increase in productivity, and ease of integration as well because it seamlessly integrates with your laptops. So we have to do a lot of integration work. So I think those both are definite advantages of using Yubico YubiKeys.
We used to be very particular about those and now we are just making sure that Yubico YubiKeys basically continues helping us with that. So no account takeover can happen because it's a hardware key. It's not like your SMS that someone else gets it and they put in the code kind of scenario or you share it by mistake. Even if someone were to get that Yubico YubiKeys it's still a second factor. So definitely has reduced the risk of an account takeover in our organization.
I think, as I said, the reception is very positive. I was one of the initial users that was chosen to try it out as a data four years ago and now it's mandated every new user has to use it. So you can see that the option we have just made widespread, so everyone has to use it. So that itself says that we have operationally fully integrated Yubico YubiKeys into our multifactor authentication.
We used to use something from Okta that has I think a passwordless authentication or readily get a notification that's an alternative, but it's software, not hardware. That's the other thing I would say. We have tried nothing else on the hardware side. Its hardware token, ease of use, easy integration, more reliance on an external device like a phone or something. If your phone gets lost, then you are worried about your multifactor, no problems with this device.

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I think, as I said, it's perfectly suited for second-factor authentication where all you have to do is a security team registers the key and you put it in your laptop and then you use it as a second factor. I think that's the best use case governing all access to making it a mandatory second factor so not relying on your cell phone or authenticator app, you just have this hardware thing which is much more secure and you can carry it with you as well when you are traveling.