Use at your peril
November 03, 2020

Use at your peril

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 1 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Zuora

Zuora is the center of our billing system and subscription management solution.


  • Distributed calls our fast
  • Finance love its reporting


  • Very buggy
  • Alerts often only appear after we report the issue to them - no apparent automatic monitoring of systems
  • Support is very variable and often just try to get rid of you
  • Ridiculously overpriced
  • Use customers as testers
  • Have secret or hard to find limits
It's well suited to a company with a very, very simple set up who don't need flexibility or reliability. One that sells few subscriptions for a large amount of money and don't mind giving Zuora a good slice of that revenue.


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