Picatic gives users the tools to promote, manage and sell event tickets online. Users can publish branded listings, send invites and create custom promotional codes to increase the number of registrants for an event. The vendor says payment is fast and simple with their single-page checkout system.
Once a listing has been created, users are sent a unique link to their event on Picatic which can be shared or spread across various social media platforms. Event listings and checkout pages can be customized to match the branding of the event with images, a logo and custom text. Listings may be viewed on the web via computers, tablets and smartphones.
All events can be added to Google Calendar, iCal, Outlook Calendar, or Yahoo! Calendar. Tickets are easy to invoice and payments are accepted using Stripe or Picatic Payments. Picatic offers a queueing system designed to handle heavy ticket sale traffic by placing buyers into a virtual lineup, facilitating the checkout process.
Once a ticket has been sold, buyers are instantly mailed an e-ticket with a scan code that can be scanned using Picatic’s mobile gateway check-in app. Users can access their backend account to see how many tickets have been sold, manage ticket numbers, view sales graphs and use additional management and marketing tools. With Picatic Pro, detailed ticket sales tracking and marketing evaluations are possible through Google Analytics integration.