One of the best authoring tools so far!
July 22, 2015

One of the best authoring tools so far!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
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Modules Used

  • Storyline

Overall Satisfaction with Articulate 360

We use Articulate Storyline in the production department to develop e-learning modules for our customers.


  • Instructional designers tend to like Articulate Storyline more than other authoring tools for its easy-to-use interface (based on PowerPoint) and flexibility.
  • The tool allows users to manage international projects (localization) and to publish e-learning modules on various supports. Of course, the development process must be adapted to all these devices.
  • Articulate's strong community is also a significant asset: when we face a problem, we can ask the community for solutions. Articulate's support is also quite efficient.


  • Articulate allows its users to ask for the development of new features in the "feature request" section, yet there is no guarantee that suggestions will be taken into account.
  • When using custom navigation instead of the built-in player, some features of Articulate Storyline might not work properly (eg. delay interactions in drag and drops). Of course, these are known issues so we don't waste time looking for solutions, we just adapt to these little imperfections!
  • The menus have slightly changed from Storyline 1 to Storyline 2, yet all new features from PowerPoint do not exist yet in the Storyline 2.5 update (pathfinder options for shapes).
  • Most of our e-learning modules are developed in Storyline, and e-learning developers receive very quick training before being operational. This is therefore a reference tool that we don't want to put away!
  • Adobe Captivate,e-doceo ECMG 5
Compared to Adobe Captivate, Articulate Storyline is a better choice for producing a variety of e-learning modules. Captivate's simulations are better-recorded, but ultimately we insert the simulations in Storyline. e-doceo ECMG 5's product is sometimes better for rapid learning, but the customization of the interface is much more complicated than Storyline.
For some types of rapid learning modules, Articulate Storyline might not be the perfect fit - especially on mobile devices. However, Articulate Storyline remains one of the best and most popular authoring tools on the market for now and could fit most online training needs.


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