From simplicity to elegance in just a few clicks
May 14, 2024

From simplicity to elegance in just a few clicks

Alexis Correa | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Beefree

Thanks to Beefree we have gone from simple emails to more attractive ones. We can now present emails with statistics, analysis and insights in such an elegant way that we receive positive feedback from customers. We hope that with Beefree we will achieve greater opening of emails and more positive reception by clients or prospects.
  • Very easy to customize an email template
  • Allows you to work and collaborate with your work team
  • Faster email creation
  • Industry-specific templates
  • Analytics
  • Click tracking
  • The reception has been very positive, feedback obtained from customers
  • Improve our brand by presenting elegant emails
  • Go from simple to elegant quickly
Previously we have not used any product similar to beefree. We have used other softwares to generate templates but they did not have the facility to integrate it with services such as Google Business Gmail.

Do you think Beefree delivers good value for the price?


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Did implementation of Beefree go as expected?


Would you buy Beefree again?


At first, like many new things I didn't really think it was necessary to implement the use of Beefree but when we started to get positive feedback from customers this motivated us even more. It really works for any scenario. Sometimes it can be an email so simple that creating it with Beefree changes things positively. It gives greater value to our brand.