Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Routers product review
April 01, 2024

Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Routers product review

Mahesh Doshi | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Routers (ISR 4000)

Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Routers is extremely versatile and enterprise class device supporting varied models depending on business requirements. It is based on IOS XE, which support various API and integrated with various monitoring systems. It support netflow based monitoring for all class of systems. Build in network capabilities address the growing requirement for application aware in distributed environment. Various models support various backbone speeds for enterprise networks. Available in 2U sleek models requires minimal power consumption compared to its predecessors 3900 series routers. It can be used for converged branch networks as it can run multiple services including encryption, monitoring traffic management and WAN optimization. It supports enterprise licensing model, which makes is future ready. It also supports SDWAN, DNAC which makes it easy to provision, manage, monitor and troubleshoot. The pricing model is flexible, which allows it to increase the backbone bandwidth as per our requirement, so we pay as you grow.


  • Pay as you grow - Increase the backbone bandwidth as per your enterprise requirement. So single box can support multiple variants of offices.
  • Space consolidation and improved TCO - Total cost of ownership as single converged device able to support branch and enterprise platform, simple to provision, manage, maintain, troubleshoot and monitor. support encryption, UC, WAN optimization and performance management tools.
  • Business continuity and resilience - ISR models support dual integrated power supplies, with ability to support PoE power to endpoint. Modular network interface. Supports Cisco Unified survivable remote site telephony (SRST), which serves as resiliency to Cisco UC Collaboration solution.
  • Lower WAN expenses - integrated and embedded SDWAN solution for enabling low cost internet solutions.


  • There are different variants of licenses to boost performance. Boost and performance licenses. Perf license is cheaper than boost. And different for varying bandwidth requirements. This does create confusion at times, explaining to management. This is a room to simplify here.
  • User interface GUI capable would be a great asset for this product along with command line capability.
  • Cost of devices can be made more competitive. Currently this is priced on higher side compared to 8xxx series routers.
  • Can be used for ISE, Meraki access point, FTD firewall, works well, no worry about integration with any third party product. As this device can be multipurpose, ROI is faster and usable for longer period of time, as no EOL any time soon
  • This is an integrated modular device so even if my small offices are closed over a period of time, this can be re-purposed for other requirements within organization
  • This device supports WAN optimization within software. This reduces the requirement of that specific optimization device, which reduces my overall cost for a branch network
  • Cisco 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers (ASR 1000), Juniper MX Series and Cisco 9000 Series Aggregation Services Routers (ASR 9000)
In competitive realm of networks, Cisco boasts of robust financial performance and price per device, TCO and ROI are far better. Cisco provides versatility in supporting various applications including industrial networks. It is extremely reliable and a market leader. Highest level of product support and documentation. It has expertise across global and in all regions, where we have our presence. It has the largest network of certified engineers and expertise levels. It has the best TAC support system, and has build a robust supply chain model to replenish faulty devices anywhere globally within the stipulated SLA timeline.

Do you think Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Routers (ISR 4000) delivers good value for the price?


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Did Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Routers (ISR 4000) live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Routers (ISR 4000) go as expected?


Would you buy Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Routers (ISR 4000) again?


- Well suited for branch networks
- All in one integrated device for small offices as supports WAN modules and PoE so can be used for SDWAN
- Good choice in front of firewalls as NAT devices
- well suited for Internet connectivity
- Support encryption and WAN optimization for VPN based networks
- Chosen one for Cisco UC SRST required to build resilient unified comms for Cisco collaboration services


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