Couchbase is the best NoSQL Solution Available
August 28, 2019

Couchbase is the best NoSQL Solution Available

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Couchbase

Couchbase is being used to serve down data to our mobile apps across the entire organization as a revamp to our legacy database (PSQL). A common problem we have had is that some of our SaaS clients have very flexible data schemas that are difficult to adhere to in a relational database, and a NoSQL solution is a much better fit.


  • Flexibility
  • Expandability
  • Indexing
  • Analytics


  • Steep learning curve.
  • A higher level of parity between mobile and web SDKs.
  • Faster sync times.
  • Faster query times.
On the server-side, the indexing capabilities and simplicity of just expanding the number of nodes and services are incredibly easy and highly decreases the overhead behind day to day DevOps. On the client, the SDKs are very flexible and abstracted out in a way that they are extendable and easy to consume.
Excellent in handling high data volumes both horizontally (large-sized documents) and vertically (a large number of documents). XDCR is easy to use and allows for easy migration planning from one cluster to another for upgrades, etc. Indexes can be simple or super complex and allow you really pinpoint bottlenecks in the data querying and speed up reporting.
Very well suited for platforms where the data is constantly changing, either via streaming updates, or schema updates across common types. Its sync gateway is a great out of the box solution for mobile apps to stay in sync with the server upwards and downwards without having to write your own clunky sync protocol or handle data conflicts by hand.

Couchbase Server Feature Ratings

Data model flexibility
Deployment model flexibility


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