Cylance using AI to protect the enterprise
Overall Satisfaction with CylancePROTECT
CylancePROTECT is being used by the whole organization across both Windows & Mac operating systems for client and server infrastructure. The solution allows us to maintain our security posture without the need to run background scans or update definition files whilst benefiting from Cylance's predictive algorithm detecting as yet unseen threats.
- Low CPU consumption usage on client hardware
- No need to ensure definition files need to be updated
- Provides security against zero data attacks with its predictive algorithm
- Wider support for all Linux OS variants
- Reduce the operational cost of ensuring clients are always running the latest version
- Identified potentially suspect files that had been previously undetected
Cylance had a lower CPU consumption than it's competitors allowing us to improve client performance especially on older hardware and without the need to schedule background scans it has ensured staff can work optimally.
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