Linux everywhere!
July 13, 2019

Linux everywhere!

David Tanner | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Docker

Docker is used by our company to build our server deployment files and to run tests. This allows us to have confidence that our deployments will work correctly in our pull request tests. Developers can also be confident that the build will run the same every time no matter where the code is being run.


  • The OSX management tool is simple to use.
  • It is nice to be able to use custom repositories.
  • The service runs mostly in the background now, and I don't have to tinker with it .


  • Sometimes issues arise running images, that are only cleared by removing the cache and restarting the OSX app.
  • It is easy to build up a lot of containers that aren't being used, and you have to manually clear them up.
  • It would be nice to have a better graphical interface to see what is going on internally.
  • Using Docker and different layers lessens security risk.
  • Deployments are repeatable so we don't have to waste time fixing older builds that might break.
  • Docker keeps developers up and running with minimal downtime.
Docker has become the defacto service, as far as I have seen, to run Linux or other tools on any OS and architecture and get the same output. I have used Vagrant in the past, but it was much more complicated to use. Docker is very common among developers, so documentation and comments in things like StackOverflow are very common.
Docker gives developers flexibility and repeatable outcomes. It is very useful for developing with confidence and knowing that all environments will behave the same. Not all developers like to use Linux for developing, so being able to run a Linux instance on Windows allows team members to develop on their OS of choice.


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