Discovering EXO Platform
Overall Satisfaction with eXo Platform
We're discovering this platform. Our goal was to replace all DMS and CMS systems, using only a collaborative platform with a complete set of functionalities. After few weeks, the feedback is quite good, it seems easy to use and personalize. Reviewers can see all comments in an easy way, resulting in less duplication and in a collaborative feel. Overall project management is made easier and easy to afford. The UI is quite easy to manage and is very intuitive.
- Very good UI and Look and Feel
- Collaboration oriented
- Resource sharing between users is improved
- It's not so simple to create sub-sites
- User management is quite tricky
- Overall configuration is not easy
- Increased collaboration
- Easy versioning
- Easy sharing
We selected this product firstly because it's easy to use for end-users, even if it's not so simple to configure from an administrative point of view. Managing and tracking overall activities is quite easy and it's also possible to have an immediate vision of everything that is done on the platform. Users feel confident and are encouraged to share resources.
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