Impressions After Working with Host Analytics for the Summer
May 28, 2014

Impressions After Working with Host Analytics for the Summer

Wilhelmina Ryan | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Planful (formerly Host Analytics)

Our company was trying to use Host Analytics to help with forecasting and modeling its financial statements. My job was to help make the transition to using Host Analytics smoother and making sure that our old financial statements appeared in the Host Analytic software correctly. I also explored the capabilities of the tool to see how else it could benefit the company's system of financial modeling.


  • Host Analytics provides an organized platform for financials.
  • Host Analytics has potential for being a one stop shop for organizing and forecasting financials.
  • Host Analytics support team was helpful when I ran into difficulties.


  • There were several bugs that I encountered when using Host Analytics.
  • Sometime the system was slow.
  • The structure of Host Analytics did not always allow me to get the data I wanted in the structure I wanted.
  • It provided forecasting capabilities.
  • It provided an organized way of looking and computing financials.
  • It provided a place to have all our financial data.
I think it has potential to be a good financial modeling tool. It will be useful when companies want to forecast future financial data. Ultimately this lets companies have a more longterm view of where they stand financially and where improvements can be made in order to be in a stronger position.

Using Planful (formerly Host Analytics)

I am not in charge of making that decision. If it were up to me though I would want to see some of the bugs worked out of the program before I decide to invest serious resources in the renewing our contract with Host Analytics. At the same time I think Host Analytics has great potential.


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