Infusionsoft is the backbone of my business and gives me peace of mind!
Updated June 16, 2015

Infusionsoft is the backbone of my business and gives me peace of mind!

Andrea Samadi | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Overall Satisfaction with Infusionsoft


  • Hot Leads Campaign in the Marketplace allows me to see WHO is engaging with my campaigns so I can step in and call them for a personal touch to find out what they are looking for.
  • Online Training and Support has allowed me to master the set up and launch of my application. The User Groups keeps me tapped into "What's New" so that I can continue to learn and improve my reach to my customers and prospects.
  • A staff that really cares. My coach has stayed in touch with me, sent me books to keep me motivated and encouraged me to drop into the Infusionsoft HQ where I saw a whole new perspective about the story behind Infusionsoft.


  • Each year, the product improves on it's ease of use. There is still a learning curve, and it is steep (in my opinion-as a former teacher with no computer background) but I think it is important for users to jump in, and learn what is needed so that they understand the basics behind their application. This means spending some nights watching videos to understand how to set up your campaigns, ECOMMERCE or Affiliate Center. But everyone I know who is using the product, uses the online trainings, and finds a local user group to help them to become an expert. Your goal as a new user should be to set up your application so that you are utilizing each step of the Lifestyle Marketing Plan (Attract Traffic, Capture Leads, Nurture Prospects, Convert Sales, Deliver & Satisfy, Upsell Customers, and Get Referrals). You can always branch out from this point and other features and partners. Then when you are here, you should pay it forward and help someone new to understand the basics by explaining what it took for you to get started. Before you know it, you will be an expert, and will have prepared yourself for the future of this online economy. When I started to use Infusionsoft, just a year ago, I knew nothing about code, SEO or opt-in pages. Now I would say I am proficient in all of these areas, with a focus now on driving traffic to my site to increase sales and spread the word of my programs and services in a way that I could have never done, without this system. I am thankful that a 21 year old internet marketer insisted that I use this service.
  • GREAT FOR THOSE STARTING OUT! We just launched online, and are building our customer base, but we now have an organized system where it's easy to see where each lead is in the process. We decided to start right out of the gate with Infusionsoft.
  • PEACE OF MIND! Once the initial work has been done with our campaigns, we can watch them run, and improve as we go along.
  • PROFESSIONAL LOOK AND FEEL! My products are showcased in a professional way, with UPSELLS on the order form to help me to increase sales with each order.
I just referred my Realtor, to Infusionsoft. He was looking at it, and asked what I liked and didn't like about it. I sent him links to the online training videos that would help him to get started, explained how the online chats work and told him that a visit to the Chandler, Corporate Office is a must. If you want to see for yourself, ask 5 other Infusionsoft users what they are doing with this product and how it's helped them, and then get started. Don't even hesitate. Use the video training to help you to get started, the online chat for immediate questions, and the phone line if you prefer speaking to someone. Finally, you must tap into a local user group to continue to learn and grow your business with tips and tricks from others in the group in addition to those teaching the group. Your learning and results are up to you.

Using Infusionsoft

I can't imagine going to another product other than Infusionsoft. Once you have learned how to create campaigns that run automatically, then it's time to work on something else. I will always be improving content and look and feel, (currently I am using Optimize Press to improve the look of my landing pages and membership pages) but Infusionsoft will be the backbone of my business and everything else must integrate with it, for me to look at it.

Using Infusionsoft


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